Now Playing: Al Green - Let's Stay Together
Topic: Web 2.0
Catching up on newsreader feeds and read Jonathan Schwartz's recent posts, including a podcast from the Web2.0 panel w/ him, Tim O'Reilly, and Mitchell Baker. He recently published an article on corporate blogging for the October 2005 issue of HBR.
"For executives, having a blog is not going to be a matter of choice, any more than using e-mail is today. If you're not part of the conversation, others will speak on your behalf -- and I'm not talking about your employees...
Then find your voice. Be honest and open. Be respectful of your audiences. Don't treat blogging like advertising-it's not. Use humor. Link to those who interest and influence you...
Trust me, your market and your employees are clamoring for executive engagement and insight. They will value and remember your candor. And you'll be surprised by how much you learn from them." (HBR article).
Nicholas Carr, of "IT Doesn't Matter" fame/infamy (depending on your prospective) had this post on Microsoft's recent decision to share the advertising revenue from its search engine with users (straight from Bill Gates' mouth). Here's Carr's response to Sun's recent strategy moves:
" But if Sun is to succeed, it needs to get its act together - to adopt a single, coherent market positioning and stick to it with relentless, unwavering discipline. Blogging is not a strategy. (12/10/05 post)
The first sledding session of the season, jibbing a plastic drainage pipe with the Scoot-n-Ski on top of Cobbs Hill.
Posted by cph19
at 4:29 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 10 December 2005 5:37 PM EST