Sunday Afternoon Musings
Now Playing: Broken Social Scene - Hotel
Miss Saigon
last night was great. I've never seen the show and had heard only a little about it (mostly about the helicopter) and the show didn't disappoint. From the opening scene to my favorites, the
Ho Chi Min number with the old communist bloc facade and any of those scenes with the Engineer, the show was definitely entertaining. We met Will after the show and headed back to the Hyatt Regency for a drink. It was a funny scene, Halloween revelers downtown mixed in with a wedding/black tie event at the hotel and us & few cast and crew at the small hotel bar.
Saw this flier while at the show,
De La Soul on Nov. 16th. Hmmm...
More on music:
It's taken since June (when I first
posted on the XV6000) to figure this out, but thanks to
RadioShack, I can now play any internet music streams (i.e. KCRW) in my car.
The 3/32" end plugs into the XV6600 and then I plug my tape-adapter into the adapter's 1/8" stereo jack and voil?, the EVDO connection on the smartphone pumps internet radio through my crappy car speakers ( better than having to hold the phone's speaker up to my ear while driving). Yeah this may be geeky for most out there but I need to have good music when I'm driving.
Last but not least, the
High Falls Film Festival is back. Quickly scanning the list of films, this
one on Sarah Silverman jumped out at me. Still haven't seen
The Aristocrats down at The Little yet, but read that she and Bob Sagat (yes, that guy from from
Full House and
AFHV) were hilarious in that too.
November is shaping up to be a busy month, stay tuned.
Posted by cph19
at 4:23 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 30 October 2005 7:53 PM EDT