Now Playing: Editors - Munich
Topic: Web 2.0
(turned 26 on the 26th, no birthday cake, just beer and baseball with my borther, a perfect birthday)
In response to Google's introduction of ad-click videos (not pay-per-click video ads), Umair again points out a seemingly obvious yet profound insight about new media and innovation in the future (emphasis added):
"Now, most of the chatter hinges on a simple and totally erroneous conclusion - people won't go for it, because they hate branded ads, and it will fail...
But that's either irrelevant, or it's actually a very good thing. Because Google's strategy is predicated on making millions of failures - amplifying the value of each. Failure is a deep source of advantage for players at the edge, because the marginal costs of experimentation are essentially zero.
Keep that in mind - because it's increasingly going to be what separates players like Google and MySpace from the rest of the pack (Yahoo/MSN/media players/etc), who don't understand the new rules of innovation." (Umair's post "Next Big Things: Post-Branding")
Currently Playing: Editors - Munich (heard on Shralp episode #31 from May 21, 2006)
Posted by cph19
at 1:59 PM EDT