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Tuesday, 2 May 2006
America's Backbone Shows its Spine
Now Playing: Marketing Voices Debut Podcast-
Topic: Personal or Reflective
I don't often watch the national news at night but I hit the gym for the first time since mid-Feb. and was amazed at the images from the May 1st economic strike. I don't want to delve into the what we call them, though I agree illegal immigrants is loaded term, but America's backbone, immigrants who work extremely hard everyday to keep this country running, showed the rest of America that they are a powerful force.

If the rallies of a couple weeks ago weren't enough, today was a powerful message to all those who think non-citizen immigrants are a silent majority. I think Brian Williams or a fellow reporter mentioned perhaps half a million in L.A. or NYC or Chicago (can't remember exactly which one), truly amazing. Just to mobilize that many people is a tremendous feat in and of itself. Although the 7pm national news didn't yet have a figure for the economic impact of today's marches, that number is coming and I'd guess it will be substantial.

(Thanks to Same Felder and Flickr for the photo)

To update yesterday's post about Colbert's ballsy move at the Corespondent's's Dinner here in D.C. last Saturday night, Boing Boing now has the story and yes, now's there's a torrent link. That's the tell-tale sign of any potential video going big on the internet: if it only has a WMV or QuickTime link, then it's not going tot takeoff but oncer's's there's a torrent file, that a sign of credibility that there's good content and good buzz surrounding the video. Torrents, not YouTube or OurMedia (at least for now), are the best indicators for viral success.

Posted by cph19 at 12:49 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 2 May 2006 12:53 AM EDT
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