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Topic: Web 2.0
Had to laugh at Wired's article on Web 2.0, below is the funny part (emphasis added):
" While there's no strict agreement on exactly what Web 2.0 is, much of it involves public participation and contributions from the commons.
Web 2.0 is very open, but all that openness has its downside: When you invite the whole world to your party, inevitably someone pees in the beer.
These days, peed-in beer is everywhere. Blogs begat splogs -- junk diaries filled with keyword-rich text to lure traffic for ad revenue. "
And of course Nicholas Carr (of IT Doesn't Matter fame/infamy) adds his two cents:
" "Online, free media is one of the contributing factors to the shrinking circulation of good newspapers," he said. "Now, traditional media is shifting away from large investments in bureaus and hard reporting, and towards cheaper content and opinion-making. It's hard for me to imagine participatory media devoting investments to hard, investigative or overseas reporting. The healthiest scenario would be one in which both kinds of media thrive." "
Even Flickr gets its chance:
" Not all Web 2.0 endeavors are wracked with problems. Take the online photo-sharing service Flickr, which, despite its open nature and robust membership growth, has so far remained relatively parasite-resistant. "
Posted by cph19
at 12:46 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 28 October 2005 12:48 AM EDT